The More You Do The More Energy You Have

The More You Do The More Energy You Have

I don't know if it's the same for you but it's the case for me, that the more I do during the day the more energy I have to do more things later on. Now I'm not speaking about the random activities that just zap your energy, I'm speaking about things like chores, and good habits. Like finally doing something you've been putting off for a long time, after you do it you feel free, like a weight has been taken off your shoulders and you get motivation to do more after that. 

This happens aswell with good habits like exercise and meditation. I've noticed that on days where I woke up early and went to train I had more energy and went about my day much happier and energetically than on days where I sleep in, it sounds so backwards cause I'm using energy to get up and train but as a result I get more life, more energy. It's crazy how the brain works, if you act lazy the brain will take it as a sign that you aren't doing anything so you don't need that push but if you push yourself and work hard your brain will notice and say 'Oi, he's working so he needs energy to meet the demands of everyday life so let's pump him full of energy to get through the day'. 

Doing things which you know are good for you will obviously make you feel good and release the good dopamine as a reward, making you want to do more. Doing more will also build momentum which is very. important if you want to make longlasting changes.

It's amazing, so fill your day with one thing after another, take a short break, then do it again until it's time to go to bed, then when you finally lie in bed you'll knock out in 5 minutes. You'll feel so drained cause you did so much during the day that you wouldn't want to do anything else except sleep, sleep is your reward after a long day. Then do the exact same thing tomorrow and I guarantee you'll make progress faster than you ever have.

Thoug, I have to warn you, I am not telling you to 'stay busy' cause that's not productive, fill the day with activities which you knw will have a positive impact after you do them.
