Luck Is When Preparation Meets Opportunity

 Luck Is When Preparation Meets Opportunity

Have you ever heard someone being called lucky? You probably have, lucky for getting a raise, meeting their soul mate, getting good grades etc. And it's true that sometimes luck may take over and bring things out of nowhere, but that's something else. What I'm saying is that you need to put yourself in places where luck can find you, so you need to get yourself out there, you can't expect things to fall into your lap, life doesn't work that way. 

There's these two quotes which I love; 

1. The harder you work the luckier you get

2. Hard work puts you in a place where luck can find you

These are both 100% true, you can't have results and success without work and opportunity, they work together to achieve something and that thing is not achieved If one of them is missing.

Lets look at this diagram:

Here we have preparation and opportunity meeting thus creating luck (Desired Outcome). 

Here we have an abbundance of opportunity but not enough preparation so like this we don't get what we want.

And here we have a lot of preparation but no opportunities, the siruation above is when the person is prepared but is not in the right place to get noticed or meet with anything that will bring him success.

Preparation and Opportunity must meet, they must intersect, otherwise nothing will come out of it.

Let's take the example of a young footballer, he trains very hard every day, he's disciplined with what he eats, how he sleeps and his habits, then one fine day he sees an ad for a football camp, he signs up and attends the training sessions. At this football camp there happens to be a scout which is impressed by the boy's skills. After the camp the scout speaks to the boy's parents and tells them 'Look your son is very good and has potential, I'd like to try him out on my team'. This short story is an example of things happening when preparation meets opportunity, the boy wouldn't have been given a chance if he hadn't been talented; something he got by his hard work, but the opportunity of the new team would have never come if he wasn't in the right place for it. Someone looking at it from the outside will say 'Oh, he's so lucky, he got scouted' but what they don't realise it that he worked hard beforehand and that he put himself in the right place at the right time to where opportunities can find him.

Summary : 
  • Put yourself in the right situations
  • Work hard so that luck can find you
  • Don't expect things to come to you
