People aren't as worried about you as you think, people have themselves and their own problems to worry about

People aren't as worried about you as you think, people have themselves to worry about 

We are made to think that people are always staring at us to see when we make a mistake, mess up, fall over or just trip over on the pavement but that's not entirely true. 
Most people are too worried about their own lives and their own problems to be worried about others'. Take this as a good thing, like a weight being taken off your shoulders. 
You can literally go up to someone, ask them the time and they'd forget about you in 5 minutes. People are stuck in their head nowadays. Nobody remembers that embarrassing thing you did last year, last week, or even yesterday, just you. So don't get so hung up on doing or not doing things cause of other people. 
I have a simple principle, do what you want. Do what you feel like doing. Now I say that but take it with a grain of salt, don't go about breaking the law or doing something stupid, be sensible. What I mean is, if you want to say or do something do it. Sometimes I'm battling my own mind saying 'But what if the other person doesn't agree with me? What if I offend them? What if it's embarrassing?' Do it anyway bro, afterwards you'll be happy you did.
There are 2 mistakes we often make;

  1. Caring what others think
  2. Thinking that they care 
Now to a certain point we should care what others think about us, we live in a community, we don't want others to see us as weirdos, and we should dress nicely, smeel good and carry ourselves well cause that's what other people see. But we shouldn't get caught up and put urselves in shackles just cause that guy doesn't like my sense of humour, or he doesn't like my style or something like that. We're all different, we all live together on this Earth, everyone should worry about putting themselves in place before critisizing others.

So what should we do? 

Let go of other people's expectations and focus on doing what you want to do and what makes you happy, even if it may disappoint some people. Now don't go about being a dickhead and an asshole to people but put yourself as a priority, you don't always have to make other people happy at your expense. Do this and you'll feel better, more assertive and more confident. 

Summary : 

• People aren't as worried about you as you think they are, they're worried about themselves
• Let go of other people's expectations and do what is right for you
