Let Go of Expectations

Let go of expectations of things that haven't happened yet

When we have an upcoming event we tend to make a lot of predictions in our heads of how it will go, and most times we are left disappointed because the event came, passed and it did not live up to our expectations, expectations we made up in our heads by the way, they had no actual proof to them. 

I speak from my experience when I tell you to not make it easy for yourself to be disappointed cause it's not a nice feeling. What I've learned is to take things at face value, take things as they are not how they could be cause if not you'll end up falling in love with what things could have been like and lose the beauty of the present moment. Okay, maybe I think a bit of how things might go but I go in free of expectation and just take things as they come.

When I was younger and I used to go on dates I'd have this perfect image in my head that she's gonna be like a princess from a Disney movie and we're gonna eat at an empty restaurant cause we're so important and it will be lit with only candles and all this. Then I meet her, we hang out and we go home and I'm like 'Why do I feel empty? Why was it not how I imagined it to be?' Now I know the answer, it's because I was creating a whole situation in my head and my expectations were sky high so I'd end up disappointed cause things didn't go how I'd imagined them in my head and that's not her fault, that's my fault. I fell in love with something not real and that ultimately took me away from the real life which was still an nice time. 

So don't make the same mistakes I made, take things how they are, not how you want them to be. It will save you a lot of needless heartache.
