If The Sun Rose It's a New Day With New Opportunities

If the sun rose, it's a new day with new opportunities

So last time I woke up early to go watch the sunrise, unreal experience by the way, it changes your whole mood and you just feel happy for no reason, I highly recommend it. And as the sun rose I was thinking, the birds are chirping, the animals are waking up, the sun's is finally emerging from the horizon, it's a new day, whatever happened yesterday doesn't matter, it's a clean slate, a new 24 hours. And with every new day comes new opportunities, new chances to better yourself.

Start everyday with momentum
To do that you need to start the day off right. Get some natural light in your eyes as early as possible when you wake up, walk the dog, go for a jog, do something. Also make sure you have a morning routine. I can't stress how important the morning is for the day you're going to have, its sets the tone for the rest of the day, the time between when you wake up until 12pm is crucial to make sure your day is productive. I've had days where I just wasted the morning and the evening was terrible, I've had other days where I managed to save the evening and do something but it's 10X harder if you start your day off on the wrong foot. Start your morning with momentum. If I had to say the no.1 thing that ruins my mornings is hitting the snooze button, hitting the snooze button is like saying 'Oh but I'm still tired, I want to sleep a bit more, it doesn't matter, I'll just do what I feel like doing', I've learned from experience that that's a very bad way to start your day, get up even if you're tired, then later if you want you can have a nap but only after you have done something, don't just lay in bed first thing in the morning it makes you feel lazy and lethargic.

Always start your day the same way

How many times have you heard it, 'Have a morning routine', they're not lying when they say that, it helps. Why do you think people like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg wear the same thing every morning? It's cause the morning is a very delicate time, you shouldn't be overloading your brain with decisions early on, wearing the same outfit daily makes it so they don't even have to think, they already know, it saves that tiny bit of energy which helps them work sharper later on. 

I've noticed that on days where I just 'wing it' I don't get as much done as on days where I have structure, makes sense. It's like a puzzle, having all the pieces and starting trying to put random ones together will make it ridiculously hard, so start from the edge pieces and put those together first, like that having structure means you know what you should be doing and eliminates everything else that would take away your attention from it. Did one thing? Move onto the next. 

Your brain loves routines cause it gets used to them and will expect the same thing at the same time everyday, it's easy for it.

Summary : 

  • Forget what happened yesterday, focus on making today a productive day
  • Start strong, gain momentum during the first few hours, they will carry you throughout the whole day
  • Have a morning routine, always do the same thing so you don't have to think more than you have to
